As a third generation Skamania County resident I have seen firsthand the challenges the people of our county face. Job creation and growing existing small business will be my priority, and I will look for common sense solutions to meet the unique challenges that our county faces. I have served Skamania County over the last 30 years as a Volunteer Firefighter, EMT, and Paramedic and I look forward to continuing to serve our County. It has been a blessing to work and raise my family in Skamania County where I grew up and I humbly ask for your vote.
My Priorities:
Job Growth
After leaving full time employment as a Paramedic I started my own business doing Real Estate Photography and Laser Engraving. During this process, I have learned first-hand the challenges of entrepreneurship and I look forward to finding ways to support entrepreneurs in our county. I believe that people in our communities building small businesses and creating jobs is key to strengthening our local economy.
Stong Local Economy
When my dad graduated from Stevenson High School, we were one of the richest counties in the state. When I graduated from Stevenson High School, we witnessed the beginning of the Spotted Owl issue that resulted in the major economic downturn in the timber industry and our local economy. When my son graduated from Stevenson High School it was during a time of financial uncertainty.
We need to support the timber industry in every way possible while also working to diversify our local economy. We need to support the businesses that are thriving in our county and recruit new businesses that bring family wage jobs. A strong local economy is vital to supporting the next generation of Skamania County residents.
Support First Responders
I am a strong supporter of our first responders, I support law enforcement, I support our firefighters, and I support our EMT’s and Paramedics. In all my years in Fire and EMS I have supported and pushed for a closer working relationship between these agencies, and I am thankful that the county recently increased the position of DEM, Department of Emergency Management, to a full-time position. I am also thankful for Sheriff Scheyer’s efforts to secure funding from our federal and state partners to improve the county’s radio system. I have way too many stories of times when I was working as a Paramedic or a Firefighter when I was not able to quickly contact dispatch to request additional resources, and I have heard several similar stories from law enforcement. Good people working in the field have continued over the years to make it work with the radio system that we have, but a system upgrade will improve communications and safety for our responders.
Sound Financial Management
In the years after the economic downturn of 2008 our county went through drastic county worker layoffs. We must make sound financial management decisions to ensure that we maintain vital government services for our communities and maintain our commitment to our employees in the event of another economic downturn. We need to have a strong focus on building up our reserve funds.
Hire Local, Support People
I began volunteering with Skamania County EMS shortly after graduating from High School, eventually I was hired as an EMT, and later completed my training and worked as a Paramedic. I value building people up from within our community allowing our young people to work in the communities where they grew up. I can think of several young people who played football with my kids who are now working for Skamania County EMS and the Sheriff’s Office. We need to encourage more of this in all areas of our county and we need to support our existing county staff with education and opportunities for advancement. It’s about supporting people in our community.
Affordable housing is another issue affecting our communities. I have heard story after story of young people moving back in with their parents due to the high cost and lack of available housing. I will be open to all options that will increase housing availability and bring down cost.
Community Access to Your Commissioner
I believe the best government is the government closest to the people. I would like to see the Commission hold meetings in the West End several times per year and if elected I will work with our partners on the west end to have a workspace where I will work one day per week in the community that I serve.
Property Rights
I am a firm believer in property rights, we should be able to utilize our property to the maximum extent allowed within the land use code. I do not support development like the “Adventure Park” in the Upper Washougal River area due to the lack of infrastructure and services, but I do think that this type of development may be done in other areas of the county.
4H and the Skamania County Fair
I am a strong supporter of 4H and the Skamania County Fair. My brothers and I had livestock projects at the fair every year and we continued our involvement at the fair with our children. As a county we need to support programs such as 4H and the Fair to give kids opportunities to grow and learn with other people working toward common goals.
Local Issues
Cape Horn Trail System Parking
We should establish an ordinance prohibiting shoulder parking for county roads within ½ mile of the Salmon Falls Park and Ride and support the Forest Service building parking areas for the Trail System.
Skamania Landing Access
We need to improve access to the Skamania Landing by repairing or replacing the current bridge and looking for other points of access.
Storedahl & Sons Gravel Pit
I am not in favor of the quarry and I am concerned about the impact operations will have on the community regarding safety, noise, and wear and tear on county and state roads. The safety of our community is my highest priority, increasing truck traffic on these roads does not improve safety. Any benefit the county might receive would be offset or eclipsed by the increased risk to our community.
Public Service
Volunteer Firefighter for 32 years in Skamania County
EMT/Paramedic in Skamania County for 30 years
Commissioner for Skamania County Fire Dist #5 for 8 years
Who I Am
Living in Skamania County I have seen the challenges that we face, and I have seen solutions that work.
I have lived in Skamania County almost all my life, I grew up here, have volunteered as a firefighter, worked as a paramedic, and have been blessed to raise my family here in Skamania County. My wife and I have been married for 29 years, we have four great kids and three wonderful grandkids.
I grew up in the Skamania area just up the hill from the Skamania Store and about a mile from where I live now. Growing up in a small town is great. It’s about neighbor helping neighbor, and you know everyone in the community.
I started volunteering as a firefighter during my senior year in High School and have been a volunteer firefighter ever since. I had the opportunity to run several fire calls with my dad early on, and I have had the opportunity to run fire calls with 3 of my children, one of which is now a career firefighter. I also began volunteering with Skamania County EMS shortly after graduating from High School, eventually I was hired as an EMT, and later completed my training and worked as a Paramedic.